IB Programmes
International Baccalaureate has the four IB programmes. The IB programmes can be adopted and implemented in unison or in combination. The IB programmes are the Primary Years Programme (ages 3–12), Middle Years Programme (ages 11–16), Diploma Programme (ages 16–19) and Career-related Programme (ages 16–19). As of May 2021, there were over 7,400 programmes being offered worldwide, across over 5,500 schools in 159 countries (https://www.ibo.org/about-the-ib/facts-and-figures/).
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History of International Baccalaureate
The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), is an international educational foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, traces its history way back in 1968 and has traversed half- a -century with its constant innovation and reinvention. Initially it was meant for the children of the country diplomats managing their profession through global transitions. With globalization there emerged an urge for uniform knowledge sharing.
The International Baccalaureate Organization has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland (1968). It has three regional offices International Baccalaureate Africa, Europe and Middle East (IBAEM) administered from The Hague, International Baccalaureate Americas (IBA) administered from Bethesda, and International Baccalaureate Asia-Pacific (IBAP) administered from Singapore. The International Baccalaureate Assessment and grading services is in Cardiff, Wales and Curriculum centre in The Hague, Netherlands (2011).
Director General of International Baccalaureate
On March 2021, Olli Pekka Heinonan, the Finnish politician and director of the Finnish National Agency of Education was selected by the board of directors to serve as the Director General.
IB Programme PYP
The IB Programme PYP is the Primary Year Programme which forms a curriculum framework for international primary education. The pilot launch of IB programme PYP was in 1996 in 30 primary schools on different continents, and the first PYP school was authorised in 1997, with 87 authorised schools in 43 countries within five years.
IB Programme PYP instils a sense of general awareness and ownership in the learners to become global citizens and understand the world. The origin of the IB programme PYP is based out of the International Schools Curriculum Projects (ISCP). Focus of IB programme PYP is on general awareness and sense of ownership as a global citizen. IB programme PYP evaluates how students learn to promote self-learning with skill development and integrate lessons with life.
IB themes-PYP transdisciplinary themes
IB Programme PYP has six transdisciplinary themes which are who we are, where are we in place and time, how we express ourselves, how the world works, how we organize ourselves, and sharing the planet. The IB PYP transdisciplinary themes help students experience a coherent and balanced curriculum through their discovery and expression of ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values about themselves and the surrounding.
IB Programme PYP transdisciplinary skills
Throughout the IB Programme PYP students get to apply a set of transdisciplinary skills: social skills, communication skills, thinking skills, research skills and self-management skills. The IB programme PYP transdisciplinary skills are fundamentals to be applies inside and outside the classroom.
IB Programme PYP attitudes
IB programme PYP has twelve attitudes which are commitment, curiosity, appreciation, confidence, creativity, cooperation, tolerance, empathy, enthusiasm, integrity, independence, and respect.  The IB programme PYP attitudes influence the personal interactions that go inside the learning environment. Being committed to learning, curious about the world around, appreciate the surroundings, confident to explore new things as a risk taker, co-operate and collaborate as situation demands, tolerant to others’ responses, open-minded, sensitive, and reflective about other’s perspectives, energetic towards learning, having sense of equity and fairness, independent in decision-making, and respectful towards self and others.
IB Programme PYP subjects
IB programme PYP encompasses round six subject areas which are Language, Social Studies, Mathematics, Arts, Science, Personal, Social, and Physical education.
IB Programme PYP elements
The five essential elements of the IB Programme PYP are concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and action.
IB Programme PYP concepts
The IB Programme PYP concepts are eight in number. They are form, function, causation, change, connection, perspective, responsibility, and reflection. They are central to the curriculum in the form of key questions. It is the key questions which give a sense of direction to the IB Programme PYP.
IB Programme PYP unit of inquiry (UOI)
Each unit of inquiry is of 6-8 weeks’ deep exploration of concepts. Students explore globally significant issues in the context of units of inquiry, each of which addresses a central idea relevant to a particular transdisciplinary theme.
IB Programme MYP
Based on May 2020 statistic, International Baccalaureate MYP candidates count to 82,210 across 104 countries.
The IB Programme MYP is the Middle Year Programme is a curriculum framework of five years is designed for learners aged 11–16 by the International Baccalaureate (IB). It forms the premise for the IB programme DP. IB programme MYP has interdisciplinary teaching and learning which prepares students to engage themselves in a connected surrounding. With its focus on international perspectives, the IB programme MYP infuses the skill of multilingualism and the spirit of international mindedness.
IB Programme MYP subjects
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) comprises eight subject groups: Language acquisition., Language and literature., Individuals and societies., Sciences., Mathematics., Arts., Physical and health education., Design. International Baccalaureate MYP gives students a great degree of flexibility in choosing six out of the eight subjects for the years 4 and 5. The flexibility helps students in meeting the individualized learning needs and requirements of their local contexts. The International Baccalaureate MYP students study at least two languages, an additional language of choice with the language of instruction, opening the door of understanding own culture and other cultures and traditions. Certain IB programme MYP subjects have different levels for students to select between for example: IB MYP Standard Math, IB MYP Extended Math.
IB Programme MYP transdisciplinary themes
IB Programme MYP transdisciplinary themes are identities and relations, personal and cultural identity, orientations in space and time, scientific and technical innovation, fairness and development, globalization and sustainability.
IB Programme MYP Collaborative planning
Every year students collaboratively engage in an interdisciplinary unit that involves at least two subject groups.
IB Programme MYP Projects
IB Programme MYP students complete a long-term project, identifying what they aim to learn based on what they know. Personal projects are independent detailing of personal experience which involves an intense exploration of independent learning.
IB Programme MYP Global contexts
Students explore IB Programme global contexts comprising of identity, relations, beliefs, and values, relationship between individuals and civilizations, responsibility from unequal access to finite resources, personal and cultural perspectives, globalization and sustainability of human made systems, scientific and technical innovation.
IB Programme MYP assessment
To be awarded with IB MYP certificate, the MYP students take the optional eAssessment with external evaluation in year 5 (15–16 years old). MYP optional eAssessment is a combination of coursework and examination.
The eligibility for the IB MYP certificate requires the completion of eight eAssessments, which are on-screen examinations, eportfolios, MYP personal project.
- On-screen examinations are conducted in:
- Mathematics
- Language and literature
- Sciences
- Individuals and societies
- Interdisciplinary learning
- EPortfolios (coursework) are done in:
- Language acquisition
- Physical and health education
- Â Arts
- Â Design
- The MYP Personal project.
IB Programme MYP evaluation
How is the IB Programme MYP evaluation happen? The two-hour onscreen examinations in four subject groups and in interdisciplinary learning are individually marked by IB examiners. Portfolios of student work for language acquisition, physical and health education, arts, and design are moderated by IB examiners.
IB Programme MYP scores
The maximum total score for the IB Programme MYP certificate is 56, assessed with a grade from 1-7Â scale assigned to each required eAssessment.
IB Programme MYP certificate qualification
To qualify for the IB MYP certificate, students must achieve a total of at least 28 points, with a grade of ‘3’ or higher in each eAssessment component.
IB Programme DP
2019Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2020Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Source:Â www.ibo.org
Based on the statistic there is a 2.32% growth in the number of candidates, which is a significant number over a period of one year.Â
The IB Diploma Programme or IBDP Programme is a comprehensive, rigorous, academically challenging and holistically balanced two-year university-preparation programme for students aged 16 to 19, serving as a strong preparatory for the SAT college board.
It inculcates the spirit of international mindedness and skills of multilingualism, for students get to be exposed to a second language along with their language of instruction. The IBDP Programme is very unique with its six subject groups and its Core. The IBDP Programme compulsory core is a combination of Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS), and Extended Essay (EE).
IBDP Programme subjects
The IBDP Programme has six subject groups: Studies in language and literature, Language acquisition, Individuals and societies, Sciences, Mathematics, The arts. Along with the six subject groups there is the IBDP Programme compulsory core comprises of TOK, CAS, and EE.
Students are to select one compulsory course from each of the following subject groups: studies in language and literature, language acquisition; individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics. They may opt to study one more subject of the six subjects from sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts. While Theory of Knowledge or TOK is all to do with ‘how to know what to know’, CAS deals with creativity, activity, and service, EE is a 4000-word research work preparing students with research tools like research methodologies, citation, substantiating the research premise with claims and counter claims and so on.
IBDP Programme Higher Level (HL)and Standard Level (SL)
The IBDP Programme has at least three courses and at most four are taken at higher level (HL), generally 240 hours of instruction. Standard level (SL) courses are typically 150 hours.
IBDP Programme assessment
The IBDP Programme written examinations or external assessments are marked by professionally by trained examiners, while internal assessments (IAs) are evaluated by the students’ teachers.
IBDP Programme exam
The IBDP Programme exams are in either May or November session, depending on the school’s calendar. Results are officially released in July or January, respectively.
IBDP Programme score
For each IBDP Programme score, course scores range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest) for each course on a scale of 7. HL and SL courses are weighted equally.
The IB’s core’s extended essay and TOK are each marked on an A (highest) to E (lowest) scale. The additional three points are attributed to their combined results. IB’s CAS is not marked, but need to be completed to attain the diploma.
The diploma is awarded to students who meet basic prerequisites. They need to earn at least 24 points overall, complete the core and a minimum grade of 3 in at least four subjects. The maximum a student can earn is 45 points: 6 courses × 7 points, plus 3 points for the core. In order to receive an IB diploma, candidates must receive a minimum of 24 points or an average of four (or C) out of a possible seven points for six subjects. Candidates must also receive a minimum of 12 points from their Higher Level subjects and a minimum of 9 points from their Standard Level subjects.
Students look for IB courses in areas like IB Business Management, IB Economics, IB Geography, IB Math, IB Physics, and IB Psychology.
International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme or IBCP
The IBCP is a framework encompassed round the IB values and meant for candidates preparing for career programme.
International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme subjects or IBCP subjects
International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme or IBCP comprises of courses from the IB’s Diploma Programme (DP), the CP core, career-related studies. IB’s CP core comprise of personal and professional skills, service learning, reflective project, and language development.
IB Learner Profile
All the IB programmes revolve round the ten IB learner profiles which suggest that IB learners are inquirers, knowledgeable, thinker, compassionate, principled, open minded, caring, risk taker, balanced, and reflective.
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