How Sev7n IB Resource Center Helped Me Transition From CBSE To IB

I joined IB in January 2018 which was extremely late to my knowledge from many IB teachers. This transaction from CBSE to IB was not at all easy for me but it might have been one of my best decision of my life.

IB curriculum is different from any other regular educational board. It is focused on international mindedness and thinking from higher perspectives. I personally witnessed and experienced that it is based on practical knowledge so that children can gain real life experiences and gain knowledge rather than attaining only bookish content.

  1. IB diploma program demands selections of three HL (higher level subjects and three standard level subjects) from a candidate to pass the course. Apart from this one three core components Extended essay, Theory of knowledge and CAS is essential to secure a diploma or else the student gets only a certificate. The diploma has better academic value while applying for university graduation programs as compared to a certificate. During my time at IB I had 6 subject business management, Economics, English, Hindi, Math and Environmental system & society.

The most interesting subject for me was economics because it was based on the real-life learning. It helped me to understand the working of the markets from micro, macro, international and development economics point of view. The economics HL course is very well designed.  These sections include topics like demand and supply. elasticity, theories of firm and market structure, aggregate demand and supply, fiscal and monitory policies, international trade, exchange rate and terms of trade and many more to mention.

The economics HL course expects students to appear for 3 papers. Paper 1 is essay style questions which require a 15 maker and a 10 marker to be answered. This is based on long structured questions based on micro and macroeconomics. Paper 2 focuses on international and development section of the syllabus and students are expected to answer 2 case studies out of total 4 case studies. Paper 3 is essentially a numerical paper that may have questions related to graphs and calculations.  The combination of all these three tests your knowledge and ability of problem-solving while ensuring application of theory in the practical world.

While these are external exams to test our skills and knowledge we have learned in classes, the subject also requires you to write internal assessments which weigh 20% overall.  

The main help I got in IBDP was from Sev7n IB Resource Centre (Shailey Sir), who helped me with my economics and business management subjects. He guided me like a mentor throughout my IB journey and help me ace it and emerge as a successful candidate for a University program in the US.  


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