Exam tips for IBDP Physics
Why is Topic 1-Measurements and Uncertainties so important?
It involves subtopics which involves key concepts on-
Measurement in fundamental and derived SI units, significant notation and metric multipliers, significant figures, orders of magnitude, and estimation.
Uncertainties talk about random and systematic errors, absolute, fractional, and percentage uncertainties, error bars, and uncertainty of gradient and intercepts.
The other vital sub topic is on vector and scalar quantities which talk of combination and resolution of vectors.
Its appearance in Paper 1 and 3
Section A in Paper 3 has Topic 1 and Experiments. It counts for 43% of SL and 33% of HL papers.
Usually one of the MCQs in Paper 1 involves Topic 1-absolute, fractional or percentage uncertainties.
Topic 1 has its predominance in Paper 3.
Weightage of Topic 1 in SL and HL
It weighs up to 8.9% of the final IB mark in SL and up to 8% of the final IB mark in HL.
Timetable of your IBDP Physics exam
Paper 1 and 2 are usually on the same day with Paper 3 following the next day. Your last lap involves a quick revision of Topic 1 the night before the Paper 3.
Significance of the radians unit in Topic 6-Circular Motion and Gravitation
Radians are used for angular velocity and acceleration.
Confusion with units
Topic 6 uses degrees and radians, unlike other topics using only degrees. Learn the conversion between radians and degrees.
Precision in calculation
You get to be precise and reasonable in attaching values to the quantifiers. From the beginning right away look into each of the values assigned to the quantities.
The pain points
The concept of projectile-motion leaves students confused every now and then. According to the examiner’s feedback there has been noticeable gaps in understanding the interdependence between the horizontal and vertical motion in a gravitational field.
Significance of definitions of the key concepts
Learning the definitions with precision is what is going to nail you to be secured of approximately 12% of your DP exam and also your option term.
Understanding the command terms
Calculate means the mathematical operations shown in sequential steps
Distinguish is to make clear differences between two or more concepts
Deduce is arriving at a conclusion from the given information.
Evaluate or critique means weighing the strengths and limitations and striking a balance
Write down is just jotting down by the extraction of information from the given data, where the sequential steps of calculation are not needed.
Bang on
Segregate the questions according to topics from the official question banks. Analyse your mistakes, if any, right from the beginning and nail with perfection.
Types of the questions
MCQs are from all the topics. The more question banks you revise, the more pro you become in handling these questions. You would find that there is a repetitive pattern of the types of questions.
Simple standard questions on each topic should be cracked with perfection and precision. This is not difficult at all as you just need to grab the concepts correctly in each topic.
Complex questions require threading of the principles of Physics from all the topics. Remember, the more thorough you are with the standard questions, it is easy for you to correlate the principles.
Your formulae sheet
Prepare a comprehensive formula sheet which is your pocket guide.